Physical quantities, we calibrate

An overview of the physical quantities that we calibrate and best measurement uncertainties

The following table gives a short summary of our measurement capabilities:

Quantity Range Best measurement capability
Voltage DC 10 µV - 1 kV ≥3*10-6
Voltage AC 10 µV - 1 kV 10 Hz -1 MHz ≥140*10-6
High-Voltage DC up to 20kV ≥220*10-6
High-Voltage AC up to 15kV 45 Hz - 60 Hz ≥0.14%
Current DC 10 µA - 700A ≥36*10-6
Current AC 100 µA - 11 A (300A) ≥140*10-6
Resistance DC 100 µOhm - 20 TOhm ≥3*10-6
Capacitance 100pF - 1mF 10 Hz - 10 kHz ≥200*10-6
RF Power -30 dBm bis 20 dBm 10 kHz bis 2.2 GHz ≥2%
RF Reflection 300kHz - 8GHz ≥0.006 + R * 0.006
RF Transmission 300kHz - 8GHz 0 bis -50dB ≥0.02dB